Comb Bio-metric Enrollment Application

Comb Bio-metric Enrollment Application

To enroll finger prints using the Comb Bio-metric application

Step-by-step guide


Launch the application and enter the username and password normally used for the Comb portal.

Select the required complex by double clicking on the required row.

Note: The complex must already be configured on the Comb system.

Select the required unit by double clicking on the required row.

Note: Units must already be configured on the Comb system.

Select the required user by double clicking on the required row.

Note: Users must already be configured on the Comb system.

The finger print reader will now initialize.

Place the required finger firmly on the reader.

Check the values displayed.

The higher the better.

Place the same finger again, firmly on the reader.

Check the values displayed.

The higher the better.

If the readings are low, or you wish to capture a different finger, click on the first finger print and place the required finger on scanner.

Do the same for the second print using the same finger.

Once satisfied with the fingerprint scan, click the save icon.

The finger print will be saved.

The fingerprint will be able to be used within 2 minutes of the saving the fingerprint.

The application can be exited any time by clicking on the “X” in the top right hand corner of the application window.

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