This release is for the three different types of MK II BB modems: SL6087, HL6528 and HL6528RD. In this release additional functionality has been added. See Release Headline Features for a full description.

Beta Release date: 28/04/2021
Production Release date: 12/05/2021

Firmware Release Versions

WP6582: 3.4.138
WP6528RD: 3.4.138
SL6087: 3.4.138

Release Action

Release Priority

Release Action


As required

Release Headline Features

Ticket Number



Push notifications from Portal to BBH - Added funtionality to support push messages from portal.


Add the ability to make intercom appear "Offline" - To help with various testing the intercom can be made to apeear offline via a supervisor code.


Update web hook for Mobi triggers - The web hook was update to use user id


Tap Tap keypad, old new firmware version to be stored and sent as stats to Portal - The BBH intercom can determine which type of TAPTAP keypad is connected and return the information to the backend server.


BBH intercoms doing a random reboots - The intercom is rebooting without any clear indication as to what caused the reboot. The random rebooting could lead to data not being sent to the server. The serial debug portwas found to freeze and cause data to stop been sent. A fix relating to the debug serial port was implemented.