To view unit occupants and unit details we start by navigating to the "Units" page on the side menu - ORGANISATION > UNITS

For ease of use, we have designed and developed two individual views to suit your preferences being a GRID and a LIST view as indicated below.

To allow users to navigate and operate the user-interface quickly and more efficiently, we have enabled shortcuts to add people on both views.

Let us first go through how to view occupants and unit details using the GRID view.

1: Click on the user's icon within a unit (Hexagon shape) to open the occupant's pop-up. 

2: A pop-up will open displaying the unit details and the occupants that live within the selected organisation/complex.

How to add people using the LIST view.

1: Click on a unit number to open the accordion and view more information.
2: The unit accordion will open displaying the selected unit details as well as the occupant details of the people that live within that unit as indicated below.