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Release 01/09/2021


Ticket NumberDescriptionTest stepsExpected resultsResult
CP-884Delivery notification for bulk email send out of portal - The user can now drill down in to the email history and see the status of the email, sent, delivered, etc.
  1. Select a Complex:
    Organisation → Communicate → Messages → "+ New Message" → Email → Fill in required details and message → send.
  2. Organisation → Communicate → Messages → Email → Select a email entry → View Icon → Pop up dialog box.
  1. Email created and sent.
  2. Pop up dialog box shows status: Sent or Delivered.

CP-1295E&I: When entering 0 chars for First name, last name and telephone number error page is displayed - When updating the import spreadsheet, deleting a name or telephone number would cause an error page to be displayed.
  1. Select a Complex:
    Organisation → Units → Export Unit Data → Open spreadsheet → Enable editing and remove First Name → Save spreadsheet.
  2. Organisation → Units → Import Unit Data →  Upload Files → Select spreadsheet → Open → Check for errors.
  3. Apply changes.
  4. Organisation → Units → Grid View → People Icon → Edit user with whitespace in email address.
  5. Repeat step 1 to 4 with Last Name and telephone number.
  1. Data removed from spreadsheet.
  2. Spreadsheet to indicate error.
  3. No errors when importing spreadsheet.
  4. Person data did not changed.
  5. Person data did not changed.

CP-1305Check for limitations in the number of persons per unit - When adding additional persons to a single unit, going above a certain number would prevent any data from being sent to the device resulting in a "Invalid Unit" message on the MK II lite intercoms.
  1. Organisation → Units → Select Unit → Add person (total to be more than 15 persons).
  2. Organisation → Triggers → confirm DTMF, PIN, Remote, CLI are defined.
The unit on the intercom must work for all triggers defined.
CP-1316Convert MKBB device to MKII BBH device - Create functionality to convert between various types of hardware. Example: Convert a MK II BB to a MK II BBH device.
  1. Organisation → Devices → Select Device → Quick Action → Convert Device → BBH → Convert Device.
  2. Organisation → Devices → Select Device → Quick Action → Components.
  3. Organisation → Triggers → New Device.
  4. Organisation → Devices → Select Device → Quick Action → Convert Device → Lite → Convert Device.
  5. Organisation → Devices → Select Device → Quick Action → Components.
  6. Organisation → Triggers → New Device.
  7. MK II BB → MK II BBH → Confirm correct firmware download.
  1. New device created. 
  2. All components match.
  3. All Triggers match.
  4. New device created. 
  5. All components match.
  6. All Triggers match.
  7. The convert device downloads correct firmware file.
    3.2.xx → 3.2.207
    3.3.xx → 3.3.307

CP-1325Jira tickets summary hanging the production login - Loading the current Jira statistics would prevent the dashboard from loading.
  1. Logon on to website.
1 Website to load full in less than 35 seconds.

USSD scheduler not running - The scheduler to run various USSD commands was not functioning. 


Duplicate mails locking users out of their accounts - This is caused by loading a user onto a MA, installer or complex admin profile by linking the email. This will cause a duplicate email to be created, thus preventing further logins. 

  1. Select a complex:
  2. Administration → User Maintenance → add user "+" → existing email address → Link User → Save.
  3. Logout out and log back in using the user that was linked.
  1. User linked
  2. User can log in.


Adding a blank user organisation link causes login error page - When editing a user profile and linking to another complex. If the Save button is pressed without entering a Organisation will cause an error when attempting to log in.

  1. Select a complex.
  2. Administration → User Maintenance → add user "+" → email address → First Name → Last Name → Initials → CellPhone Number → "+" → Save with a blank Organisation.
Message showing 'No organisation selected'

Add all database versions for the MK II BB - Add all database version for the older versions of the MK II BB firmware. The MK G2 range of intercoms were affected by not having some the earlier versions of database available. 

  1. Select an organisation with an active G2 intercom linked.
  2. Organisation → Units → Grid View → People Icon → Edit user → Add new user.
  3. Synchronize the MK II G2 intercom.
  4. Dial new telephone number.
  1. Unit dials the new telephone number.


BBH Time stamps showing GMT and not GMT+2 - The dashboard and information cards handle the time zones correctly.

  1. Select a complex with a active MK II BBH linked.
  2. Dashboard → Device card.

  1. Device card shows a green heart.
  2. Last Comms: shows current time.


Edit Organisation Button on dashboard not consistent with the Edit Org in the Admin tab - The functionality for the Save, Cancel and Close buttons differ between the Edit Organisation button on the Dashboard and the Edit Organisation under the Administrator Tab.

  1. Select Organisation.
    1. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → edit any detail → Cancel.
    2. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → change not saved.
    3. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → edit any detail → Save.
    4. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → Changed saved.
    5. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → edit any detail → Click "x" (top right hand corner).
    6. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → change not saved.
  2. Select Organisation.
    1. Administration → Edit Organisation → edit any detail → Cancel.
    2. Administration → Edit Organisation → change not saved.
    3. Administration → Edit Organisation → edit any detail → Save.
    4. Dashboard → Edit Organisation → Changed saved.
  1. Changes are either saved or canceled.


When removing a device also clear the serial number from the device table - When deleting a intercom, to remove the serial number from the Device table. This will allow the PCB to be relinked to another intercom at later stage.

  1. Select a Complex.
  2. Make note of device serial number.
    Organisation → Devices → Select device → Quick Action → Delete → Yes.
  3. Organisation → Devices → "+" → select same device → Serial Number (from previous device) → Link Code → Device Name → Save.
  1. Device deleted.
  2. New device created with same serial number.

CP-1371White spaces imported via the spreadsheet breaks portal when trying to edit persons in units - The importation of whitespaces in the email address field would not cause on error, but will cause errors when trying to edit persons in the Unit page.
  1. Select a Complex.
  2. Organisation → Units → Export Unit Data → Open spreadsheet → Enable editing and add a whitespace to an email address → Save spreadsheet.
  3. Organisation → Units → Import Unit Data →  Upload Files → Select spreadsheet → Open → Check for errors.
  4. Apply changes.
  5. Organisation → Units → Grid View → People Icon → Edit user with whitespace in email address.
  6. Organisation → Units → Grid View → House Icon → Occupants → Edit user with whitespace in email address.
  7. Organisation → Units → List View → Occupants → Edit user with whitespace in email address.

  1. Whitespace added to spreadsheet.
  2. Spreadsheet to indicate Error Invalid email address.
  3. No errors when importing spreadsheet.
  4. Can edit person.
  5. Can edit person.
  6. Can edit person.

CP-1382When deleting a device, the trigger overrides are not deleted - When a device was deleted from an organisation, any trigger overrides were not deleted resulting in orphaned triggers. 
  1. Select a Complex.
  2. Organisation → Units → Door Icon → Override → Add override → save.
  3. Organisation → Devices → Select device → Quick Action → Delete → Yes.
  4. Organisation → Units → Door Icon → Override → Check that override is no longer available for the deleted device.
